Read? Retain? Regurgitate?

I’d forgotten how many different emotions this 14 Minutes a Day experiment surfaces. Reading through Genesis today, some of the questions I wrestled with included:

  • Do I need to read quickly to make sure I’m done in 14 minutes?
  • Do I need to read slowly to be able to regurgitate every detail perfectly?
  • Should I s-l-o-w down to listen for God in between the words?

Not about performance

I am humbled by how “performance” based these questions are. And how “man pleasing.” (Reminds me of that Petra song, “God Pleaser.”) I have to keep reminding myself that while the discipline of daily Bible reading is important, it’s not to “pass a test.”

I choose to read the Bible daily to grow in relationship with Jesus. And like Richard J. Foster said in Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, God isn’t going to scold me for doing this any more than I’d get upset for a little child curling up in my lap and falling asleep.

Thank You Jesus for that reminder.

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