Listening too!

14 Minutes a Day - Listening to Job

Every Sunday morning, I make muffins. (You can see some of the goofy pictures in this #weeklymuffin album on Facebook.) While I’m baking, I usually listen to a course from the Teaching Company.

But this week I tried something new. You see, weekends are my most consistent times with these 14 minute passages. Monday mornings usually find me catching up with Saturday, Sunday, and Monday’s passages. But today, I clicked on the little speaker up on the right. It turns out, has the entire Bible as read by Max McLean!
14 Minutes a Day - Listening to Job

It’s so easy listening to the Bible this way. In the course of baking and getting ready for church, I worked through the entire book of Job! Just as much as I love reading the larger, 14 minute passages, I found myself hearing things differently as the Bible was read to me. Especially with Job. His “comforters” talk for entire chapters. I found listening to them helped me get the bigger picture more easily.

If you’re doing the 14 minutes a day, consider trying the audio option. You may find listening to the passages could be a good alternative to reading it. Listening might even help make commutes a bit more character-building than only focusing on the news is. 🙂